Advancing the understanding and acceptance of radiant and hydronic technology

Join Today

Members of The Radiant Professionals Alliance are helping to provide superior leadership and advancing the awareness of radiant heating as a comfortable, efficient, and healthy innovative technology.


Joining the Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) is one of the best business moves you can make. There is no other place worldwide where you have the opportunity to be in immediate and constant contact with those who represent everything radiant and hydronics. If you're looking to grow, gain new customers, solve heating problems more quickly than ever before, tap into some of the brightest minds in the hydronic-heating business, and have a great time along the way, the RPA is for you.

Help When You Need It

Ever get stumped halfway through a project and not know where to turn for help? Or maybe you just want to learn more about a specific application before diving in. There's an RPA member who can help, and will help. That's our promise. This is a vibrant community with an amazing amount of knowledge, and our members love to share. Join us and profit by tapping into this huge, collective hydronic brain.

RPA Publications

We keep you up to date with three great publications: Radiant Living, The Radiant Comfort Report (formerly Radiant Comfort Guide), and The Radiant Hydronic Report (formerly Radiant Heating Report). You'll get them all each year with your RPA membership. You'll also have access (with a great discount!) to the RPA bookstore of Industry Technical Manuals and References

Have Input into the New Codes

The RPA is part of IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials). That gives you the power to have a role in the development and implementation of the codes that concern every designer and installer of hydronic-heating- and cooling equipment. You can have direct input into the 2021 Uniform Solar, Hydronics and Geothermal Code.

Make Your Voice Heard

And all of this for such a small investment. Join now and put this incredible resource of hydronic brains and brawn to work for you. Work smarter, not harder. Make a difference. Grow.


  • When technology changes, you'll be among the first to know. RPA manufacturer members are in close contact with RPA trade members, and they are very responsive. When you have questions, you'll get quick answers.

  • You're among friends, and your friends are the sharpest radiant professionals in the business. We share what we know with each other, and that makes you more successful.

  • In the world of the Internet, many RPA members hear from customers who are not in their service area but need help. These members recommend other members who can take on that job. RPA membership brings in new business.

  • You are never alone. When you face a challenge, your fellow RPA members will rally around you to help. A phone call or an email is all it takes.  

  • Consumers appreciate the level of skills an RPA member must have to be certified. This is often the difference between “no sale” and “SOLD!”
  • You get a voice and vote in the direction of RPA
  • RPA is a strong network of manufacturers, designers, architects, suppliers, distributors, builders, contractors, installers dedicated to the professional growth and advancement of everyone in the industry; including each other. The members of the RPA are the RPA.
  • RPA members work tirelessly to foster the awareness of radiant and hydronics.
  • RPA is dedicated to the advancement of members; no matter the role or capacity.
  • Member benefits are being formulated to be uniquely beneficial to each member category.
  • You can help steer the RPA by sharing your insights and communicating your expectations.
  • RPA is at the forefront to advocate codes and standards that govern the design, installation, methods and materials in the plumbing, mechanical, and solar systems in homes and businesses.
  • Subscription to Radiant Comfort Guide and Radiant Heating Report.
  • Subscription to Radiant Living Magazine.
  • Training and Professional Development Seminars and Webinars.
  • Bookstore of Industry Technical Manuals and References.
  • RPA is an accredited continuing education provider of IACET and AIA and GBCI.
  • Qualification to enter annual System Showcase Competition.
  • Annual membership Meeting and Conference.
  • Opportunity to be in immediate and constant contact with those who share a stake in the future of radiant and hydronics.
  • Through the investment of membership dues, you will continue to have a positive influence on the industry.
  • You can help facilitate growth in the industry.
  • Opportunities to network with other members.
  • Opportunities to market products or services.
  • Opportunities to learn from peers.
  • Your investments enable the RPA to make accomplishments and be more effective which will benefit everyone in the industry.
  • The mission is to provide superior leadership in the industry and foster the awareness of radiant and hydronic technologies in order to “grow radiant”.
  • Campaign to advance the RPA as the distinctive industry leader and expand the recognition and acceptance of radiant and hydronic technologies.
  • You can help set the long term direction for the RPA by identifying critical issues of importance and identifying driving forces affecting all aspects within the industry.
  • Your membership dues will give you the opportunity to strengthen your industry which will in turn make your business stronger.
  • Two professional staff who work exclusively on RPA business (RPA Director and RPA Technical Director) and more than a dozen IAPMO professional staff who work daily with the RPA staff (Membership, Marketing, Codes and Standards, Accounting, Internet Technicians) to accomplish the goals set for the RPA.
  • Timely critical news and technical information.
  • Access to an industry-specific Job Center Network.
  • Access to Experts in Codes and Standards.
  • Exposure to the Most Current Products and Services.
  • Enhanced Professional Credibility and Visibility.
  • Powerful Industry Advocacy.
  • You become a non-voting member of IAPMO.
  • 20% discount on RPA and IAPMO Bookstore items, Education, and Publications.
  • Access to consumer financing program to help you sell more projects
  • NEW Savings program with UPS®!
  • Quarterly technical webinar (no fee).
  • Quarterly e-Newsletters.
  • Membership Certificate.
  • Membership cards, directory listing, newsletter and discounts for each named employee.
  • The members of the RPA now have a staff person solely dedicated to providing direction and resource assistance to consumers who call the RPA with inquiries as well as provide technical assistance to members who have questions about the technology or installations.
  • Up to the minute information on RPA’s facebook page and the new RPA website.
  • There is now “Consumer Information” on the website which is planned to include excellent resource material.
  • Opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors.
  • Opportunity to serve on the Technical Committee which ensures all technical information the RPA publishes or presents as an authoritative source is accurate, current, and represents the position of the members.
  • Opportunity to serve on the Codes and Standards Committee which will develop the Radiant, Solar, and Geothermal Code.
  • Opportunity to serve on the Education Committee which oversees the professional development offerings of the RPA.
  • Together, we can broaden the recognition and acceptance of radiant and hydronic technologies.
  • RPA needs you in order to reach its full potential and therefore meet your needs and the needs of the industry.
  1. Are you bringing too much complexity to that job? If so, your price could be too high. Your fellow RPA members will suggest ways to simplify that job without sacrificing your customer's comfort.

  2. Are you advertising in places that bring little return? Draw on the experiences of fellow RPA members who have been there, done that and learned lessons. We share knowledge. We share experience.

  3. Are you missing work that's in your service area? Recommendations from other RPA members can help you find and obtain that business. RPA members also sometimes work together on very large jobs.

  4. Do you seem like a “lone wolf”? That distinction often scares off customers. Being a part of a the Radiant Professionals Alliance shows the stability of your business, which goes a long way toward closing sales.

  5. Are you working hard and not making enough money? Learn how to improve your business from some of the most successful contractors in the country.
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